viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

My experiense making the herbarium

Hello friends today I will tell you about my herbarium, I will first say that a herbarium is a collection of plants or parts of plants, dried, preserved, identified, and accompanied by critical information such as the identity of the collector, the place and date of the collection, and the habitat where the plant was.
For our career the herbarium is of the utmost importance since this can help you to raise your botany notes, it is also of great importance as it represents that you have already finished the first cycle of the race.
In my case, the plants I collected from the hill "la ballena because I live very close to it and as it is a hill island of Santiago this has many native species, I also went to the "Quebrada de Macul" with the Campos Valley, this last trip It was quite tiring I had never walked so much, we arrived at the second waterfall and when I saw the water I bathed instantly there as it was very hot hahaha.
Collecting the samples was entertaining, however, drying them, sewing them, making the chips and plastifying them was quite chaotic, I will tell you that I had my samples dried the night before before delivery, but when sewing and plasticizing I noticed that that was what which took me longer, in fact I was up all night doing it, and believe me when I tell them all night, but the effort was worth it and I get a 7.   

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English language

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