viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

Changes to my study programme

Hello friends, today I will talk about the changes that my career "forestry engineer" can have. Although I am currently studying the fourth semester, I think I have a pretty firm opinion of the topics that the study plan should improve, I think that there should be teachers instead of teachers since it is very difficult to understand their subject or, finally, that all of them are trained. years in the pedagogic area.
Another important issue that I would like to improve is when you do not pass a subject because this mesh prohibits taking the next branch and this branch makes it impossible to go to practice, it should be noted that the practices are fundamental because they open many more branches and if not You go to a practice, you fall behind a whole year, my solution is that the branches can be taken every semester or at least the most important branches.
And finally I want to say that our faculty must have more computers since in the computer rooms many times classes are imported and they make it impossible for us to access computers, I think "new" computers should be in the study rooms
I would also like to mention that the faculty gave new things this year such as the sports schedule and that is very good since we had many subjects and very often now with the sports schedule we still have the same subjects, but it is not so heavy the schedule of these, in addition to sports It is quite relaxing in university life. That's all I can say until soon.

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English language

Hello friends today I will talk about my experience learning English during these two years, I really started from the basics and here I lea...