martes, 27 de junio de 2017

Ceroglossus chilensis

Ceroglossus chilensis. This species of beetle known by the name of  Peorro, is part of a group of species of the same genus that are characterized by the beauty of the color of their elastres, which of the variant according to the species in question. This insect species is native to Chile

Has an elongated shape, length between 22 and 30 mm, have a great variability in the coloration of the body, with head, thorax and elytra with black, green and iridescent blue hues; Ventrally the body is black as are the paws and palpates maxillary and labial. The head and pronotum are blue and finely punctured. Elongate, regularly sculpted and convex elites with rather pronounced humeral angles are very bright dark red. They lack metathoracic wings. Sexual dimorphism is notorious. The males present in the antennal segments 6, 7 and 8 raised raised longitudinal lines (carenas) and the tarsus of the first pair of broadened legs. Another difference is that the males present the elytra with the rounded apex, whereas in the females it is sharper.

Both adults and all larval stages are mainly predators (carnivores) and Feed on worms and insect larvae in general

I knew this specie in the university since I had to investigate its habitat and structure, I can say that it was a quite singular and funny experience since they emit peculiar smells when they feel threatened lol

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