martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

A Photograph

Hello friends today I will tell you about a photo that I like, the photo I chose I got the seventh movie from harry potter "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte parte 1".
Since I was a kid I was a fan of the magic world that showed Harry Potter, I grew up with the actors, I was happy and I cried with the events that happened throughout the 8 films, and for this reason the image takes a splenditd value for me since harry came to the world "mugle" ( A mugle is called the human being who has no magic abilityon) Hadrid's bike (it's the bearded man) And in the end he is also rescued from this muggle world by hadrid on the same motorcycle.
The present scene of the film is very emotional, I think that all the fans we liked that part as it represents that the end of the series is approaching and this means that they are going to fight against Lord Voldemort (Is the villain).

8 comentarios:

  1. That photo reminds me a lot of the emblematic scene of going back to the future, I do not know why jajajaja

  2. sorry but i hate Happy Potter. We can´t be more friends /: hahahah

  3. I wanted Harry to stay with Hermione, I also love this saga, it's spectacular!

  4. Woow! What a great end and what a good scene :') we have to do a marathon of all the movies, eating "chaparritas";)


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