viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

My favourite food

Hello my friends I will talk about my favourite food.
Firt I will tell you that I prefer  to eat junk food as it taste quite tasty, as you have already guessed I really like salty food, I melt for the French fries, the roast chicken, the fried fish and the snacks like the "ramitas saladas" and the doritos of barbicue, however, my favorite food is the lasagna and I really like it more than the dishes I mentioned earlier, the meaning of the word " lasaña o lasagne" comes from the Greek "lasanon", through the Latin "lasanum", which refers to the saucepan in which it was formerly cooked.
Is a type of pasta that is served in sheets interspersed with meat can sometimes have bolognese sauce and other bechamel sauce. It is a dish of European origin specifically Greek / Italian.I would like to point out that baked lasagna can also be made with vegetables, even though the vegetable lasagna knows horrible for my  hahahaha.

I unfortunately do not cook the "lasaña", but my mother cooks me whenever I ask and it is very tasty,  if I have to say that as often as lasagna I would say that every two weeks I eat., bye friends :)

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